Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Old Age is right over my shoulder...

everytime I turn around the smell smacks me in the face
B E N G A Y!
If that smell following you around doesn't make you feel old,
I don't know what else will.
My radiculopathy has been visiting me these past few days
and when she does
I slap her in the face with Bengay.
Bam! Pow! Take that you shoulder offender!
However since Bengay is all gooey and sticks to everything
like my bra strap
my hair
my clothes
the smell sets in and
She smacks me back everytime!

Reminding me that I can run,
but I can't hide...


Anonymous said...

May the pain you have known and the conflict you have experienced give you the strength to walk through life facing each new situation with courage and optimism.

kimberly said...

i hate that smell. it smells like OLD. and that's you!

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Follow along through the fun and agony as we try to figure out how to raise two completely opposite teenagers- Teen 1, the fiesty yet inquisitive one, Teen 2 quiet but wise-cracking and our ball full of energy known as The Boy. It aint always pretty, but we’ll sure try to make the best of it!
These are the stories of our lives…