Sunday, November 29, 2009

Hey Bird Brain!

Another holiday event...
Another party to plan...
Another reason to make your family members do ridiculous things!

My awesomely creative sister crowned us all with a halo of drumsticks this Thanksgiving
Some of us were overjoyed to be crowned...
Some of us pretended not to be wearing the crown hoping that noone would notice...
Some of us spent alot of time curling our hair and were hoping this didn't mess up the do...
Some of us remembered what we looked like in Hawaii and remembered to do the super cheesy smile everytime a camera was in sight...
Some of us were trying out for a vampire part in a film...
and most of us were thankful for the day and all the smiling faces...
(sorry girls, Mama tried to remind you I had a blog and the pictures would be posted!)


Makk said...

You all are looking great.

Its really make me feel good when i see you & your family. Njoying with full zest of life.

Keep Smiling guys.


Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Follow along through the fun and agony as we try to figure out how to raise two completely opposite teenagers- Teen 1, the fiesty yet inquisitive one, Teen 2 quiet but wise-cracking and our ball full of energy known as The Boy. It aint always pretty, but we’ll sure try to make the best of it!
These are the stories of our lives…