Thursday, February 19, 2009

My life, my life, my the sunshine...

Ok, so here we go, Post # 1
We are a Party of Five
The oh so happy couple - Johnny & Janelle
The teenager - Loryna
The pre-teen(and believe me she's counting down) - Lorysa
And the boy - Ethan boy

So here's a typical day...
beep, beep, beep- that's the alarm its 6am
All kids packed up and dropped off by 7am and off to the office for the day job...
Receive calls around 2:30 from the girls...going out mom! Umm excuse me, going out? Give me specifics!!
Home by 6pm with Ethan in tow
Straight to the kitchen...din din time! And we have 30 recipes from Weight Watchers to choose from, and the family is just ecstactic -yummmy, weight watchers dinner again mommy, can't wait! (sarcastically of course) While dinners cooking, I'm trying to fit in a workout- Finally tried that giant ball that's been sitting in the garage- Thanks to Kimmy! (Now Sister the rule is, if you leave it in someone's garage for 3 years, it belongs to them!!) Core workout is pretty cool, not too much coordination needed, I can do this!!
So now it's 7pm and tonight we have Chicken Paella (I'm trying to foto our dinners- they think I'm crazy - I think I'm a good cook and want to share, thanks WW!!)

The last pic is of dinner the night before - Turkey Enchilada pie, with gazpacho salad, and side of beans- I enjoyed it, the rest of the family not so much!!

Johnny's back in the garage workin on his newest project, another one of those, "I just need one more things and I'll be satisfied" projects- I think the 4th one this month!! As you can see the front of the bike is sitting on the floor!

He was able to finish last night after a few runs to the store. Johnny is happily riding this morning!
Now it's 8pm...

The teenager is of course in her room by this point of the night, Ethan is trying to figure out where and what daddy is doing, that's me (the ghost in the photo) trying to figure out where Ethan is, and Lorysa (my shadow) is following me around with the camera!

After getting the boy to fall asleep on his own, no oreos or chocolate milk and 20 mins of whining, the girls are "sleeping", hubby has his bike put together and exhausted, I've prepared for my party tomorrow night, cleaned up, sent emails, struggled to figure out this blog thing, upload, download, add gadgets, and of course my IT husband looking at me like I'm crazy... It's 11:30 - I go to bed feeling blessed to have my party of five and we all got along today...wheehhh!! (if you have a family of get it)

1 comment:

kimberly said...

good job sis!!
i guess i gotta answer my phone more often- that food looks delicious!!! and can i borrow rysa, i wanna be followed around being photographed!! now i'm inspired to do a "day in the life of". Now, there's only 4 of us- but we do have a dad and a sam, and that can make for some pretty interesting things around here!!

ps-i left a ball in your garage???

Follow along through the fun and agony as we try to figure out how to raise two completely opposite teenagers- Teen 1, the fiesty yet inquisitive one, Teen 2 quiet but wise-cracking and our ball full of energy known as The Boy. It aint always pretty, but we’ll sure try to make the best of it!
These are the stories of our lives…